Now lets see a scenario to go through the links and how the cucumber deals with that scenario.
Before write the scenario lets look at the scree shots and what could be the scenario.
1 Step:- I am on the “List of products” page and I can see
Titled = Ruby on Rails
Description = Model View Architecture
Image url = ror.jpg
Price = 22
2 Step:- Now I click on “New Product” link.
3 Step:- Now click on “Back” link again. Then I am again on “List of Products”.
4 Step:- Now click on “Show” link and then I can see
5 Step: like wise we can navigate through the links
Now lets see how this scenario can be written. Before that look at these step definitions. You can find them in webrat_steps.rb file.
When /^I press "([^\"]*)"$/ do |button|
This can be used for when we click on button
When /^I follow "([^\"]*)"$/ do |link|
When /^I follow "([^\"]*)" within "([^\"]*)"$/ do |link, parent|
click_link_within(parent, link)
These two can be used when we navigate through the links.
Now lets see the scenario.
Scenario: Go Through Links
Given I have products titled Ruby on Rails, description Model View Architecture, Image url ror.jpg, Price 22
When I go to the list of Products
Then I should see "Ruby on Rails"
And I should see "Model View Architecture"
And I should see "ror.jpg"
And I should see "22"
When I follow "New Product"
And I follow "Back"
And I am on the list of Products
Then I should see "Ruby on Rails"
And I should see "Model View Architecture"
And I should see "ror.jpg"
And I should see "22"
When I follow "Show"
Then I should see "Ruby on Rails"
And I should see "Model View Architecture"
And I should see "ror.jpg"
And I should see "22"
When I follow "Back"
And I am on the list of Products
Then I should see "Ruby on Rails"
And I should see "Model View Architecture"
And I should see "ror.jpg"
And I should see "22"
When I follow "Edit"
And I follow "Back"
And I am on the list of Products
Then I should see "Java"
And I should see "Platform Independent"
And I should see "java.jpg"
And I should see "20"
save this scenario as go_through_links.feature and run the cucumber features/go_through_links.feature
Then you can see the following screen shot.
Why this scenario failed. Look at these steps.
When I follow "Edit"
And I follow "Back"
And I am on the list of Products
Then I should see "Java"
And I should see "Platform Independent"
And I should see "java.jpg"
And I should see "20"
These steps are wrong. They should be as follows.
When I follow "Edit"
And I follow "Back"
And I am on the list of Products
Then I should see "Ruby on Rails"
And I should see "Model View Architecture"
And I should see "ror.jpg"
And I should see "22"
Edit the feature file and run again cucumber features/go_through_links.feature. Now you can get the all the steps are passed massage.
This is how the cucumber work with the navigation scenario.
Cucumber and Ruby on Rails (Part 7) My learning materials
Posted by ජීවන්ත තාරක (Jeewantha Tharaka Kodikara) at 10:16 AM
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